Social Network

Technologies used:

More about project:
This project is a social media platform inspired by Facebook, It allows users to create and manage their own accounts, create and interact with posts, and communicate with other users. I also implemented pagination that displays 3 posts per page, and the posts can be sorted (all post / my post).

This project was a great opportunity to practice OOP principles and build a complex web application. I learned a lot about the importance of user-friendly design and clean, organized code.

I faced some challenges with the communication with the server and I overcome them by learning and using requests such as PUT, POST, and DELETE to modify, edit, or delete user data, their posts, and messages.

I also gained experience with cookies usage and session control which i used to track if someone is logged in and redirect them to their profile page. Also, to keep track of the current user while they are sending, editing or deleting posts and messages. I used a mock API server to store user data.

It was interesting to work on this a great and challenging project that helped me to improve my skills and gain experience that will benefit me in future projects and my career.

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